Client Appreciation Dinner

On September 18th we had our annual Client appreciation dinner. About 80 people came for the fun filled evening. The crowd toured the newly renovated space that will be the Ironworks Gallery where many styles of Ironwork can be viewed. The space will also be used for professional education on Ironworks.

Then to the shop for hands on forging demonstrations, where you could see the work in progress, including 2 beautiful sculptures.

After dinner, the evening ended with the fun of a silent auction. It raised about $1,000 for the Clinic for Special Children. Many thanks to everyone that participated.

The following day started with the bus tour to the clinic and the benefit auction. For some attendees, the auction was a new experience and the auctioneer chant was fast-paced and hard to decipher.

Debbie Colasurdo had fun buying a quilt, the auctioneer told her the higher the price of the quilt the warmer the quilt will be. Her husband, Jerry, then remarked that he really will be sweating under that quilt!

The auction raised over $320,000 for the Clinic for Special Children.

Thanks again to everyone that helped make it a wonderful event!

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