Meeting Code Compliance with a Flair!

The New Chit Chat Diner in West Orange utilized design creativity to meet railing code requirements and enhance the visual experience. The building facade is masonry and has the timeless feel of beautiful and traditional architecture. The railings were desired to be Iron, they instead utilized aircraft grade aluminum with 100% recycled content. A powder coat was applied with a 99.99% reclaimable, environmentally conscious finish that really makes it indistinguishable from Iron. They really did their due diligence for a zero maintenance railing.

The massive pickets were turned on the diamond just like Ironwork that would have been created 100 years ago. Custom forged aluminum cap-rail was used everywhere for character and authenticity.

And with all the bronze statuary in the landscape, the owners of the diner did a great job in tying it all together. Beautiful building, epic views of the NYC skyline and awesome food!

If you are up in northern New Jersey and are craving some good food, be sure to check out the Chit Chat Diner!

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