MetalFab Educational Session

The National and Ornamental Miscellaneous Metals Association (NOMMA) members gathered for the MetalFAB 2022 Conference in New Orleans two months ago to share ideas and gain knowledge about the ironworking industry. At this annual conference, Compass Ironworks presented an educational session to other fellow craftsmen on tools and techniques on how to “Educate your Architect”…

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Won NOMMA MetalFab 2020 Top Job Awards – Salt Lake City, UT Show

MetalFab Top Job Awards, Gold and Bronze

As shown to the left, Compass Ironworks won two National Ornamental and Miscellaneous Metals Association’s (NOMMA) Metal Fab-2020 Top Job Awards at the Salt Lake City, UT Show on March 4 – 6, 2020. We were awarded a Gold and a Bronze award in the Top Job competition. The Top Job competition is an event…

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